Students First!
Ensuring High Levels of Learning and Growth for EACH Student!
Every Thursday is Cougar Pride Day! Wear your orange and black!
Mark Your Calendars
February - Kindness + Respect
6th - Middle school County Dance @ Elks in Enterprise 6PM-10PM (NOT SCHOOL SPONSORED)
10th - School Board Meeting 6PM + Executive Session
March - Leadership + Responsibility
10th - School Board Meeting 6PM
13th - Students Released at 12:38 / Student-led Conferences 1:00PM - 7:00 PM
24th-28th - SPRING BREAK/NO School
Athletics Schedules (weekly schedules are sent out via FB and Parent Square)
Check Grades
Students & Parents
Wallowa School District is located in the beautiful town of Wallowa, Oregon. The district is home to about 200 students and 40 staff. The elementary, middle, and high school reside on the same campus which provides a unique opportunity for collaboration and a unity between students and staff. The small class sizes provide students with a high level of support from staff. Wallowa staff pride themselves on knowing their students and families well.
Students First – Ensuring High Levels of Learning and Growth for Each Student!
To Accomplish This Vision, the Wallowa School District Staff Create Welcoming and Engaging Environments Where:
Students Come First
People and Relationships Matter
It’s Never Too Late to Learn – Growth Mindset and High Expectations for Teaching and Learning Ensure Learning and Growth For EACH Student
All Means All - Inclusivity and Equity are Prioritized for EACH Student
Instructional Time is Prioritized and Protected, With Learning Relevant and Challenging
“We,” Collectively as a Staff, Impact Student Learning, Ensure Consistency, Commit to Collective Agreements, and Use Common Language
Effective Practices for Teaching and Learning are a Part of All Lessons, Ensuring That all Lessons Have Clarity: Students Know WHAT they are learning, WHY They Are Learning It, and HOW They Will Be Successful, With Explicit Success Criteria Provided
Students Feel Safe, Supported, and Cared for; Physically and Emotionally
Positive, Supportive, and Restorative Approaches to Behavior are Practiced and Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Practices are Imbedded
Language and Communication Build Agency and Identity
Engagement with Community is Valued
Elementary Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures
Student safety is our #1 priority!
Students Who Ride A Bus
When the bus arrives at 7:30 a.m., students will exit the bus and go directly to their classrooms. Students will walk on sidewalks, entering the school building through the west/main entrance of the school, using the doors by the office.
Students Who are Dropped Off at Arrival
Drivers must obey all traffic safety signs and directions. Cell phones should not be used during drop off. Drive slowly and watch for children. Students may be dropped off at 7:30 a.m.! Students who are dropped off will utilize the designated student drop off area north of/behind the school. Elementary students cannot be dropped off on the south side of the building, next to the highway. Given restrictions for health and safety, parents and visitors are not allowed inside the building, so walking students to classrooms is not possible at this time.
There are two options for drop off:
1. Parents/Caregivers will pull into the lane heading east designated for drop off, next to the yellow curbing, pulling all the way forward to the northeast door. A yellow line and curb mark the areas where students may be let out of vehicles. This is the area where staff monitor safety and provide supervision. Drivers must remain with their vehicle in these lanes. Students will exit the vehicle on the side closest to the building and use the designated walkway, never walking in front of, behind or between cars. Students must walk in the area designated as a walkway, maintaining social distancing, and entering through the northeast doors of the building. As students enter the building, a staff member will welcome them to school and assist them with the use of hand sanitizer. Students will proceed down the right-hand side of the hallway to their classroom.
2. Parents/Caregivers who enter from the east/heading west, in the street lane closest to parking, will pull forward, stopping right before the crosswalk with the signage for student drop off. Students will get out of the vehicle on the side next to the parking areas, never walking in front of, behind or between cars. Students will wait behind the sign, maintaining social distancing, until the crossing guard escorts them safely across the roadway and into the school building. As students enter the building, a staff member will welcome them to school and assist them with the use of hand sanitizer. Students will proceed down the right-hand side of the hallway to their classroom.
Students Who Walk to School
Students who walk to school, must safely use sidewalks and crosswalks where available. Elementary students coming from the south side of the highway will enter the school building through the west/main entrance of the school, using the doors by the office. Elementary students coming from the north side of the highway/school building will wait behind the crosswalk sign by the parking lot, maintaining social distancing, until the crossing guard escorts them safely across the roadway and into the school building. As students enter the building, a staff member will welcome them to school and assist them with the use of hand sanitizer. Students will proceed down the right-hand side of the hallway to their classroom.
Dismissal Procedures
Student safety is our #1 priority
Students Who Ride A Bus
Students who ride a bus will be released first to the buses. Students will go directly to the bus area. Students will walk on sidewalks, exiting the sidewalk at the point closest to their bus doors. Upon entering the bus, students will take their assigned seat and follow bus driver directions.
Students Who are Picked Up at Dismissal
Drivers must obey all traffic safety signs and directions. Cell phones should not be used during student pick up. Drive slowly and watch for children. Students go directly to the student pick-up area when they are released. Parents picking students up will utilize the designated student pick up area north of/behind the school. Elementary students cannot be picked up on the south side of the building, next to the highway. Given restrictions for health and safety, parents and visitors are not allowed inside the building, so picking students up from the classroom is not possible at this time.
There are two options for pick up:
1. Parents/Caregivers will pull into the lane heading east designated for pick up, next to the yellow curbing, pulling all the way forward to the northeast door. This is the area where staff monitor safety and provide supervision. Drivers must remain with their vehicle in these lanes. Students will enter the vehicle on the side closest to the building and use the designated walkway, never walking in front of, behind or between cars. Students must walk in the area designated as a walkway, maintaining social distancing.
2. Parents/Caregivers who enter from the east/heading west, in the street lane closest to parking, will pull forward, stopping right before the crosswalk with the signage for student pick up. Students will wait at the sign until their parent/caregiver pulls up to the signage and crosswalk. Students will enter the vehicle on the side next to the parking areas, never walking in front of, behind or between cars. Students Who Walk Home From School Students who walk home from school, must safely use sidewalks and crosswalks where available. Elementary students who live on the south side of the highway will exit the school building through the south east entrance of the school. Elementary students who live on the north side of the highway/school building will exit the building at the northeast doors. A crossing guard will escort students safely across the roadway.
Students Who Walk Home From School
Students who walk home from school, must safely use sidewalks and crosswalks where available. Elementary students who live on the south side of the highway will exit the school building through the south east entrance of the school. Elementary students who live on the north side of the highway/school building will exit the building at the northeast doors. A crossing guard will escort students safely across the roadway.
Elementary Phone: (541) 886-2061 | Fax: 541-886-7355
Ms. Stacy Knudson- Elementary Principal/Superintendent + Title IX & Civil Rights Coordinator
Lynell Waldron- District Secretary/Elementary Secretary
Middle & High School: (541) 886-2951 | Fax: 541-886-7355
Mrs. Sara Hayes- Principal + Civil Rights Coordinator
Jessica Nye - Administrative Assistant
Annette Moeller - Athletic Director + Deputy Title IX Coordinator